Summer Mission Mentorship

The Summer Mission Mentorship program aims to empower young adults who want a cross-cultural, mentored ministry opportunity in a unique location.

Meet the Participants…

  • Adam


    Adam has for many years been interested in apologetics, defending the Christian faith and sharing it with others. In Indonesia, he will have the opportunity to use his skills to share the good news as never before.

    Fun fact: Adam is a history buff, always wanting to learn more about Indonesian history, and looking forward to new technologies working in AV and IT.

  • Ezekiel


    Currently, Zeek is in Seminary at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Zeek deeply believes cross cultural ministry is a crucial component of revival, which was solidified while working at the Caring Place –a Christian non-profit in South Florida.

    Fun Fact: Zeek is a huge reader. His favorite writer is Jane Austin and his favorite novel by Jane Austin is Emma.

  • Gabby


    Gabby has a deep passion for connecting with people she meets and gets to interact with. In the ministries opportunities she has gotten to work in she has enjoyed fostering deep connections with young hearts guiding them toward spiritual formation and meaningful relationships with God.

    Fun Fact: Gabby was the president of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes in high school and never played a sport.

  • Kevin


Learn more about ECO’s, Global Engagement Summer Mission Mentorship: