Silas and Zoe
In 2015, Silas and Zoe started serving in Central Asia with an unreached, nominally Muslim, people group where there are no Christians. Zoe grew up as the daughter of translation and literacy workers for a different Muslim people group. Silas was called into cross-cultural ministry after completing a Master of Divinity degree. They prepared for language and translation work abroad with years of formal education in linguistics and translation.
They then traveled abroad and recruited native speakers to record and describe language and culture, and now work together to translate the books of the Bible into a previously unwritten language. In the high valleys where they have lived in isolation for hundreds of years, people are beginning to hear about Jesus for the first time in the language of their mothers and fathers, the language of their hearts. Religious and secular authorities make translation difficult and dangerous, and the workers are few.
Silas and Zoe (and their children) appreciate your prayers as more people hear God’s word and respond to it. The goal is not simply to make converts who switch religions, but rather, to form disciples of Jesus Christ who go out faithfully to serve and disciple others. Silas and Zoe see their work as a way to reach a community of people they hope will become ardent witnesses in word and action.
Make checks payable to The Antioch Partners, write “Preference for Silas and Zoe’s Support” on memo line and mail to:
7132 Portland Ave, Suite 136
Richfield, MN, 55423