Bojan and Rachel Ruvarac

Bojan and Rachel met in Ukraine in 2011, where Rachel was serving with Mission Eurasia (then known as Russian Ministries) and Bojan had come to speak at a conference. They were married in 2013 and have lived and served since in Serbia, Bojan's native country. They have two young children. Bojan grew up outside of Belgrade, Serbia, and has been involved in student ministry, through the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) for 20 years, first as a high school student, then a university student, volunteer, intern, part-time staff, and then full-time staff member. He graduated with a degree in Business in Tourism from the University of Belgrade. Bojan's passion is investing in young people and helping them come to know God.

Rachel is an American who grew up with her missionary parents in Central Asia. She graduated from Princeton University with a degree in Slavic Languages and Literatures in 2008 and moved to Ukraine to help facilitate communication between a ministry training and equipping young Christian leaders throughout Eurasia, and partners and supporters around the world. Since moving to Serbia she has also served in student ministry with IFES, equipping students to reach their peers with the gospel, and organizing evangelistic events to bring the gospel to those who have not yet heard. 

In 2019, Bojan and Rachel transitioned to working full-time with Renewing Our Minds (ROM), a program that Bojan has been involved with since 2001, and Rachel since moving to Serbia. ROM’s mission is to develop leaders of integrity who are committed to reconciliation and peace-building in the Balkans and throughout the world. ROM’s leadership development conferences are held every summer in Croatia and participants come from the Balkans, the Middle East, as well as other parts of the world from a variety of backgrounds, including Muslims, Orthodox, atheists, and secularists. The conferences equip these young leaders to transform their constituencies, communities and countries through the model of servant leadership they learn by studying the character, life and teachings of Jesus. It is amazing to see the transformation that takes place in these leaders as they encounter the person of Jesus and learn from his life and teachings.

Bojan and Rachel are focused on developing follow-up events and programs which will take place throughout the Balkans on a year-round basis so they can continue investing in, and encouraging, these young leaders so they can know Jesus and live according to his principles.


Make checks payable to The Antioch Partners, write “Preference for Ruvarac Support” on memo line and mail to:

7132 Portland Ave., Suite 136
Richfield, MN, 55423

Marcus dePaula
Marcus dePaula got his start working in the music industry serving as the production manager for Cafe Milano in Nashville, TN in the mid-90‘s, and later went on to work for seven years with Clair Bros. Enterprises in Nashville, TN as a touring live audio engineer and systems technician. He developed his technical expertise and troubleshooting skills in the intense and fast pace touring environment, becoming one of the most sought-after monitor engineers in Nashville. He recently spent three semesters teaching the Technical Track at The Contemporary Music Center in Brentwood, TN, where he had the opportunity to share his expertise and experiences with college students pursuing a career in the music industry. After “retiring” from touring in late 2005, Marcus joined the Audio One Nashville team where he was a CEDIA certified Systems Installation Technician specializing in planning and installing professional recording studios and high end home theaters. Marcus later joined the staff of his church, The Village Chapel, serving as Technical Director where he served for seven years. It was there that his interest in web technologies and services was sparked in building The Village Chapel's new website. Since joining Jenn as co-owner of Mixtus Media, Marcus has honed his technical skills in WordPress and Joomla CMS frameworks, graphics and video for the web, along with other web technologies in support of Mixtus Media's services. He is the technical "braun" to Jenn's brains.

Michael and Katharina Robb


Dan and Lauren Scharstein Nduati