BAM Catalyst
BAM Catalyst
TAP’s BAM Catalyst (BC) has been involved with Business As Missions for over 15 years as an investor and mentor and has a passion for bringing the transforming love of Jesus to communities through business. The BC has helped launch a manufacturing company in North Africa and assessed businesses in Asia and is a mentor for a company in south Asia. He is active in his local church as an Elder, as an Outreach Committee member, and leads kids Sunday School and an adult community group. He serves on the board of two Christian non-profits and one Christian foundation. He and his wife of over 30 years have one son who is married and living in Houston and a granddaughter.
The BC completed a 40-year business career where he worked as a product design and development engineer, design engineering manager, account manager, engineering director, operations director, sales director and general manager for a global electronics manufacturing division of a publicly traded company. He oversaw a global sales and engineering team and manufacturing locations in the US and Southeast Asia. He traveled extensively through Europe and Asia during his professional career.