The Antioch Partners (TAP) serves Presbyterian churches in the assessment, training and support of those called to long-term, cross-cultural, incarnational ministry. TAP helps these cross-cultural servants get from where they are now to where God is calling them to be, and then helps them thrive in their ministries. Many of these missionaries are in challenging contexts and sometimes they are faced with unexpected, even emergency, situations. When this happens, TAP is there to help. One of the important ways TAP does this is through the Partner Special Needs Fund. Given the reality of our world today and the number of TAP missionaries that have needed assistance from this fund, the fund urgently needs to be replenished. You can help make this happen!
Donate by Check
Make payable to “The Antioch Partners” and write “Partner Special Needs Fund” on the memo line and mail to:
7132 Portland Ave, Suite 136
Richfield, MN 55423