Pierce and Erin Johnson
Pierce and Erin Johnson have a heart for serving the second largest unreached people group in the world, the Japanese. Currently, they work at Black Rock Retreat in Lancaster Pennsylvania, while raising support for their mission work in Japan. The Johnson’s mission is to support, reinforce, and extend the reach of existing work for God’s Kingdom. Erin and Pierce plan to do this through opening a guest house in western Japan in the Nagano Area (about 1 ½ hours from Tokyo by bullet train). This guest house will provide lodging for both national and foreign visitors, where they will offer authentic Japanese and Western style cuisine. Their desire is to use this guest house as a way to connect with the surrounding community, and to create a space where people can experience God’s love through hospitality.
Their first year in Japan will involve intensive language study while preparing the guest house to welcome visitors. They also have a passion for seeing the Japanese church revived and empowered for effective ministry. They look forward to connecting with local churches for future partnerships. Erin has already begun language study with a local Japanese woman in Pennsylvania while Pierce is brushing up on his Japanese through self-study.
Pierce grew up in Pennsylvania and was heavily influenced by his grandparents who were missionaries themselves. His father’s parents served in Japan while his mother’s parents were medical missionaries to Syria in the 1950’s. His love for the Japanese grew while attending the American School in Japan from-8th-12th grade. Pierce went on to attend Southern California Seminary where he achieved a bachelor’s degree in Biblical studies and a Master’s in Christian Ministry. He has been serving in hospitality ministry at Christian camps and retreat centers for many years.
Erin grew up in Central New York and sensed a call to missions at a young age. She has served in camping ministry since she was 14 and achieved an Associate degree in Christian ministry at Southern California seminary. Her call to missions was affirmed after a trip to Tokyo with Pierce in 2015. She also loves Japan and enjoys studying Japanese history and culture which you can read about on their blog: https://pejintokyo.weebly.com). She is excited to use her gift in art and experience in hospitality to share the gospel in Japan.
Make checks payable to The Antioch Partners, write “Preference for Johnson Support” on memo line and mail to:
7132 Portland Ave., Suite 136
Richfield, MN, 55423