Dustin and Sherri Ellington
Dustin and Sherri have served overseas since 2005, when they moved to Cairo, Egypt, with their two young sons for Dustin to teach New Testament at the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo (ETSC). They loved ministering in the Arabic-speaking world yet had to leave much too quickly.
In 2010 they sensed God’s call to Lusaka, Zambia, where for 12 years Dustin trained pastors for many southern African countries at Justo Mwale University and Sherri ministered in a variety of ways including coordinating a young adult volunteer program. While continuing to teach full-time in Zambia, in 2015 Dustin began to travel annually to Mansourieh, Lebanon, using the Arabic he had learned in Egypt to teach intensive New Testament classes at the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary (ABTS).
Over time, the Ellingtons started to sense the Holy Spirit stirring their hearts to reverse the geographic balance and be mainly based in the Arabic-speaking world once again (at ABTS in Lebanon) with visits to stay connected to Zambia and the African church.
Dustin and Sherri moved to Lebanon in September 2022. They are excited to encourage and form people for Christian life and ministry in the Middle East and North Africa.
Make checks payable to The Antioch Partners, write “Preference for Ellington Support” on memo line and mail to:
7132 Portland Ave, Suite 136
Richfield, MN, 55423